European Cancer Organisation

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European Cancer Congresses

The ECCO Congress is the European Cancer Congress where new treatments of value to patients and applicable to the daily practice are presented and discussed.  To help understand what genuinely impact the treatment and care of patients, expert patients provided their perspective in several scientific sessions of ECCO2017.

The ECCO Patient Advisory Committee (ECCO PAC) has worked together with the ECCO2017 scientific track chairs to enrich the scientific programme with the patient perspective. The views of expert patients were provided in the critical reviews of presented trials and their implication in practice were discussed in the organ tracks. Several changing practice sessions also included the patient perspective.

The newly established Primary Care track in the ECCO Congress discussed integrated models of cancer management with the views of patient advocates on how to bring primary care and secondary care together.

The ECCO2017 Patient Advocacy track presented topical issues for patients and survivors. These included side effects reporting, translating research into patient value and coping for caregivers. 

View list of sessions with the patient perspective from expert patients

Watch the videos. All webcasts are free open access on the ECCO website. Please select the relevant track or session type.

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