The European Cancer Congress 2013

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Late-Breaking Abstract Submission


Please note that this abstract submission is solely for abstracts with late breaking data and not for abstracts submitted “late”.

Any “late” abstracts will be rejected outright.

In order to fulfil the criteria for a late breaking abstract, when prompted during submission, you must enter the reasons why your abstract is a late breaking abstract. Failure to do so, will mean that the abstract will not be submitted.

Please note that the submission of a late-breaking abstract is now closed.


Late-Breaking Abstract online submission will be open from 24 July 2022 until 7 August 2022, 21:00 hrs Central European Time.
Please note that the deadline will be strictly followed !!!




  • Late-breaking abstracts should highlight novel and practice changing studies. The late-breaking abstract deadline is not intended to be merely an extension of the general submission deadline. It will focus on capturing abstracts with ground-breaking and unique data that would not otherwise have been presented at the Congress. Any abstract that fails to meet “Late-Breaking Abstract” requirements will not be considered. 
  • Examples of suitable late-breaking abstracts might include the results of a practice-changing prospective Phase III clinical trial, a Phase II study showing anti-tumour activity in a novel context, an early clinical trial with novel proof-of-principle data, the demonstration of novel cancer biology with therapeutic implications; in each case the results should not have been fully available by the general abstract submission deadline. 
  • The data in the abstract must not be published (manuscript or abstract) prior to the congress. 



With the submission of a Late Breaking abstract to ECC 2013, the first (presenting) author:

  • Certifies to be an investigator with a substantial involvement in the clinical study presented in the abstract.
  • Accepts responsibility for the accuracy of the submitted abstract (please proofread the abstract carefully prior to submission!).
  • Accepts to be the contact person for all correspondence about the abstract and inform co-authors about its status.
  • Confirms that all co-authors are aware of and agree to the content of the abstract and support the data presented. 
  • Warrants that the data and conclusions presented in the abstract have not been presented or published.
  • For important large studies, presented (in part) at previous meetings, authors are encouraged to provide updated data. Violation of this policy may result in a rejection of the submitted abstract.
  • Certifies that the information in the abstract is for exclusive presentation in the ECC 2013 scientific programme and will not be presented as such during the congress at any industry-related satellite symposia.
  • States that for all studies involving human or animal subjects, permission has been obtained from the relevant regulatory authority and properly informed consent given where appropriate.
  • Abstracts that include clinical trial data include the following information in the body of the abstract: Trial abbreviation, Trial Registry Number or ID background, Objective, Design, Population studied (including sample size), Intervention, Outcome measure (s), Analysis, Trial status, Trial sponsor(s).
  • Identifies any financial interest in products or processes described in the abstract. The presenting author is requested to tick the “Conflict of interest” box when submitting the abstract and to provide disclosure of interests and relationships through the abstract submission programme. This includes stock ownership, membership on an advisory board or board of directors, corporate-sponsored research, or other substantive relationships.
  • Releases the copyright to ECCO and gives permission for the abstract, when selected for presentation, to be published in the ECC 2013 European Journal of Cancer Presidential Supplement, as well as on the ECCO website.




  • Abstracts from translational, Phase I, Phase II or Phase III studies for which preliminary data were not available at the time of the abstract submission deadline of 7 August 2013, will be considered for presentation at the ECC 2013.
  • Data from the long-term follow-up of previously presented clinical trials may be submitted only if significant new information can be shown. In this case, please ask for special consideration by email.
  • Interim analysis of a prospective randomized clinical trial will be considered only if it is performed as planned in the original protocol and is statistically valid. If your abstract involves interim analysis, explain the details of your study in the body of the abstract.
  • Late-breaking abstracts will be considered for oral presentation either in proffered papers sessions or in one of the Presidential sessions. If a late breaking abstract does not meet the criteria for oral presentation in one of these two sessions, the abstract will be rejected.
  • Late-breaking abstracts will undergo formal peer review evaluation by the Scientific Committee.





Abstract Format 

  • The title of the abstract should be brief, and in sentence case, objectively describing the study. Do not use non-standard abbreviations and commercial names (generic names only).
  • No more than 10 authors can be listed with institutional affiliations, cities and countries only. Mailing addresses and academic degrees should not be mentioned in the author’s list. For cooperative study groups, you may give the name of the group instead of individual institutional affiliations or include the name of the group in the title of the abstract.
  • Abstracts should be structured in such a way as to include the following 4 sections
    • Background: an introductory sentence indicating the purpose of the study
    • Material and methods: a brief description of pertinent experimental procedures
    • Results: a summary of the results of the research
    • Conclusions: a statement of the main conclusions
  • The on-line abstract submission procedure will not accept abstracts that exceed 2.500 characters (body of the abstract, including spaces and table).
  • Only one data table is permitted in the body of the abstract. Illustration and figures are not allowed and will be deleted if submitted.
  • Abbreviations may be used if standard or if spelled out and defined at the first use (put in parentheses immediately after the first mention of a term or phrase). Compounds should be mentioned with the generic name, in lower cases. Commercial names are admitted in the text, with an ®, and if in brackets following the generic name, i.e. “generic (Commercial ®)”.
  • The abstract must be submitted in good English. The Scientific Committee reserves the right to reject those abstracts which are presented in poor English, or may request an immediate revision by the presenter.  



The first (presenting) author must:

  • Complete the section on the reasons why this abstract should be considered as late-breaking (In order for the abstract to be considered late breaking, this section must be completed).
  • Ensure that submission of the abstract follows the general abstract submission guidelines and regulations and the specific guidelines listed above.
  • Ensure abstracts that include clinical trial data include the following information in the body of the abstract: Trial abbreviation, Trial Registry Number or ID background, Objective, Design, Population studied (including sample size), Intervention, Outcome measure (s), analysis, Trial status, Trial sponsor(s).
  • Ensure that abstracts contain final results and incorporate statistical analysis. Abstracts submitted stating “results to follow” or similar deferment will not be considered.
  • ESSENTIAL INFORMATION: When online abstract submission is complete, click the “FINAL SUBMISSION” button for the final submission of your abstract. As a confirmation of your submission, a message will appear on the screen informing you the abstract has been successfully submitted to our database. 



Abstracts will be judged solely on the data submitted. The first (presenting) author will receive confirmation of acceptance or rejection before 20 August 2013. 




Late-breaking abstracts will only be released for general viewing on the ECCO website on the day of their respective presentations.



  • Late Breaking abstracts submitted to the ECC 2013 are embargoed until the day of presentation. 
  • Information contained in the abstract as well as additional data and information to be presented must not be made public before the abstract has been published or presented at the ECC 2013.
  • The first author and co-authors must not release the research/study to news media.
  • If the policy is violated, the abstract will be automatically withdrawn from presentation and from publication online.


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