The European Cancer Congress 2015

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Abstract Submission

  Abstracts submission is now closed

Step-by-step instructions will be provided within the submission system. Submitters can edit their abstracts until the deadline.

An e-mail confirming receipt of the abstract submitted online will be sent to the presenting author within 48 hours. An abstract number will be allocated and should be mentioned for any queries relating to the submitted abstract.

Abstract Submission Fee: Each submitted abstract must be accompanied by a 35 EUR abstract submission fee. The submission fee can only be paid by credit card. This fee is non-refundable regardless of the final status of the abstract.

Note: Submitting an abstract for presentation in the European Cancer Congress 2015 does not constitute registration for the congress. Abstract presenters must register to attend the European Cancer Congress 2015.

In case of any abstract related queries please contact: [email protected] 

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